Thursday, June 23, 2011

Repeater tone (detection ringtones)

The difficulty of this arrangement lies in the detection of ringtones, it is a France Telecom line or a traditional analog box. The next two sections will be allocated. The remaining relatively simple (formatting signals, wire the bell), will be seen with the drawings.

1. The traditional phone line:

Although the PTT cable coming into your home has 8 son, only two are used to operate your phone line, that it is traditional, broadband, unbundled or not. Generally it is the son white and gray are used.

When the line is idle, that is to say when:
  • phones (and potential ADSL modems) are connected to the line
  • all phones are hung up
  • no phone does not ring
it has at its terminals a voltage of 48V. This tension can vary between 45V and 55V. The polarity is not defined (the white wire or gray may be the positive pole), it can even be changed following an intervention on your line without disturbing the operation of phones and modems.

When you are called and the phones are ringing, the line always has a voltage of 48V which is added pulses ring form of sinusoidal signals of amplitude 48V, frequency 50Hz, 1.4 s duration, spaced of 3.6 s as shown in the following graph:

In a ring, the AC voltage of 96V feeds directly into the circuit ringing phones, unless they have a 220V power supply (which is the case of advanced modern combined). If you connect to a telephone line multiple handsets without power, it is possible that the line can not provide enough current to ring the phones.

When you pick up a phone line has a much lower voltage (the voltage drop is caused by the consumption of electricity on line by the telephone). This tension is in the range of 10V to 20V. At this voltage is superimposed signals corresponding to the voice, with an amplitude of 1.5 to 5V:

Power consumption on the line by a telephone when off-hook has two objectives:
  • allow the telephone to detect a phone is off hook
  • provide electrical power on the phone to make it work
and even phones with an autonomous power supply 220V must use current line to win.

If you pick up multiple phones simultaneously on the same line, the voltage drop to a lower value. A telephone line can not allow to run more than two or three handsets at a time.

Also according to the literature, the impedance of a telephone line is around 600 Ohms.

And ADSL in all this? ADSL signals are high frequency signals, which are blocked by the ADSL filter. So what we have said about how a traditional phone line is still valid on a broadband ADSL downstream of the filter.

I made some measurements on my analog phone line (I'm not fully unbundled, I have always my line France Telecom, and more than one VOIP line from my Freebox). I find tolerances near the theoretical values:
  • Resting tension: 53.8 V
  • Ring voltage: 53.8 V + 96V 50Hz ringing for 1.4 s 3.6 s apart
  • Tenson with phone off the hook: 18.7 V
  • Modulation of the voice conversation: 4 to 5V maximum superimposed on the 18.7 VDC
Here the shape of the signals seen on the oscilloscope:

Regarding the line impedance, I measured its resistance to internal connecting resistors. I think 743 ohms. This corresponds to the order of magnitude of 600 ohms mentioned above. The higher value is probably due to the length of my phone line, on the other by the value of 743 Ohms is an internal resistance, it does not quite see that the impedance of the AC signals.

2. The lines of the BOX

Now we are interested in VOIP phone lines, that is to say about making our BOX ADSL for connecting one or more phones. This decision aims, through the unbundling, to replace the good old analog phone line. It should in theory have the same voltage levels.

So I made the same measures with the same equipment and the same phone.
The box in question is an ADSL Freebox V5 (TV box and modem separate version with couplers CPL).

Tension at rest is 38.2 V.
When the phone is off hook, the voltage drops to 9.8 V, the maximum modulation in conversation is 2 to 3V.
Ringing, the signals have good temporal characteristics (ringing of 50Hz for a duration of 1.4 s 3.6 s apart) but the voltage levels are very different: there is no DC component and AC component to an amplitude of 48 V (half the standard 96V). In addition the sinusoid is not well smoothed, one can clearly distinguish the eye of the stairs. In fact the sine wave is generated via a digital - analog of a sampling frequency of 1kHz, and probably a resolution equal to 16 bits.

Here the pace of the ring signal output of VOIP freebox:

Even if the line is running and VOIP telephone calls are possible, the voltage levels are inadequate, particularly in the rings. The Freebox is unable to ring two traditional phones (no power supply independent).

Conclusion: It is quite possible that a device designed to run on a phone line (phone, fax, alarm, central home automation ...) does not operate normally or not at all if you connect to a BOX.

It should be noted that these measures have been completed with the very best in BOX, the latest model of Freebox. The first users who have had the (dis) pleasure of experiencing the VOIP remember a erratic and very poor audio quality, which means that the first BOX delivering signals which differed even more standards phone.

For our repeater assembly of rings, hence coming up include setting different detection thresholds for the party will monitor the analog line and the one that will monitor the VOIP line.

3. The principle adopted

It is one thing to say about the telephone lines: a device that is connected should not be connected to another network (EDF, computer) or it must implement galvanic isolation.

Indeed, connect a fitting to a telephone line and another network without insulation is up to connect one pole of the telephone line to land in neutral, to a phase or something ... The line will not work properly, and can even damage the equipment.

To achieve galvanic isolation, use components that transmit information or energy without contact, so in the following example:
  • transformer supplying the installation from the network EDF maintaining isolation between the secondary and primary
  • the optocoupler transmits information to the computer without contact
  • put the relay route in another electrical device without contact

The parts in red are galvanically isolated from the telephone line.

We have now toured the characteristics of telephone lines; attack us at our assembly operation itself.

How to detect a ringer? The question can be reformulated by saying how a ringing signal is different there from other signals (rest, conversation)?

In all cases the DC component is present and can be quite variable, we need our installation to be insensitive. We therefore begin by filtering the signal line to eliminate the DC component.

Remains the AC component. This can be a ringtone (50Hz, 48V to 96V range) or voice (frequency 20Hz to over 10kHz, amplitude 5 V max). So simply measure the amplitude of the AC component, if it exceeds 30V we are sure to have a ring signal.

That being said it is unnecessary to fill the FT module and the module of a VOIP set, the tolerances are quite wide. Tests have shown however that this was necessary because during the transitional (stall, hang up) the voltage variations caused can be seen by the assembly as a ringing signal.

As the ringing signal is not continuous but intermittent (ringing of 1.4 s 3.6 s apart), it will be necessary to provide our mounting a monostable redéclenchable for an output power continuously throughout ringer.

Here's how one behaves monostable redéclenchable a time t:

By choosing t to a value greater than 3.6 seconds, we get a continuous output.

Since our installation will be sensitive to the AC component, the polarity of the line will not affect him.

Enough said. For the assembly is flexible and scalable, it will be divided into several cards, each connected by a cable:
  • cave map
  • card phones
  • The Sonnet
  • the card cuts
Map winery (or workshop) will contain the 220V installation. In the interest of isolation, it will send the card to 12V 50Hz phone itself will contain transformers. This will avoid having to carry around 220, but if you prefer, phone card provides the opportunity which will save you a transformer.

The card will contain the monostable cellar, lights to indicate what sounds (FT line, line or VOIP gateway) and a 220V outlet to power the appliances of your choice.

The card will only be used to monitor telephone lines and VOIP FT to detect a ring.

The card allows bell to return information to the card cellar when someone rings the door. It also cut the bell when the button off of the card is on. Finally, it allows, via a shot of the map cellar, to guarantee a minimum of the ring to avoid a too brief to support a visitor goes unnoticed.

Finally off the map merely switches to cut the phone lines and the bell. Carefully prepared in the hallway of the floor, it helps to put the house in a quiet area where the urgency to catch up on sleep during the day. High brightness LEDs flashing signal when one or more signals are off, so do not forget to re-route.

The connection between the cards will be made with an eight-conductor cable PTT. This type of cable is cheap, each thread a different color, and section and insulation are suitable for voltages and currents to be conveyed.

4. Patterns

Here is the schema of the phones:

VOIP part is identical it has not been shown. Components with an odd reference are those of the FT, the others (except TR2) are those of the VOIP. If the 220V is available near to where you install the card, replace a fuse TR2 to feed directly into 220V TR3 and TR4 (see board layout).

TR3, B1, C1, C3, D1 and REG1 fuel the mounting 5 V.

C5, R1, R3 and R5 is a high pass filter for the assembly recovers only the AC component of the voltage on the telephone line.

R1, R3 and R5 form a voltage divider, D3 and D5 recovering the sampled signal, the terminals of R5 there are only the positive half of the AC component divided by a factor of 15.25.

The zener diode DZ 1 protects the operational amplifier IC1 preventing its input voltage to exceed the value of the supply voltage.

IC1 is mounted as a comparator, when the voltage across R5 exceeds a threshold adjustable by P1, the output of IC1 is equal to the supply voltage. This threshold should be set for the installation detects a ring without cause during the transient.

In a ring, to the output of IC1 found niche with a frequency of 25Hz, since R5 is crossed by the positive half of the AC component of the telephone signal.

D7, R11 and C7 perform a recovery and filtering the output voltage of IC1 to the transistor driving the relay is operated continuously for a set of tone (1.4 seconds).

D9 protects the transistor against the induced voltage of the relay at the cut of their diet. D1 protects against the voltage regulator feedback voltage.

Here are the component values:
TR2 = 2.5 VA transformer molded 220V / 9V
TR3 TR4 = cast = 1.5 VA transformer 220V / 18V
B1 = B2 = Bridge Rectifier
D1 = D2 = D9 = D10 = 1N4001
D3 = D4 = D5 = D6 = D7 = D8 = 1N4148
DZ1 = 1/4W zener diode DZ 2 = 4.7 V
IC1 = IC2 = LM324 operational amplifier or a power function with 0 ... 5V
REG1 = 7805
T1 = T2 = 2N2222
C1 = C2 = Capacitor chemical polarized 330μf 35V
C3 = C4 = 100NF 250V ceramic capacitor
C5 = C6 = 100NF 250V ceramic capacitor
C7 = C8 = 16V Capacitor chemical polarized 33μf
R1 = R2 = 470KOhms 1/4W
R3 = R4 = R5 = R6 = 33KOhms 1/4W
R7 = R8 = 8.2 KOhms 1/4W
R9 = R10 = 2.2 KOhms 1/4W
R11 = R12 = 330 Ohms 1/4W
R13 = R14 = 2.2 KOhms 1/4W
P1 = P2 = 10K Adjustable Linear
RL1 = RL2 = 5V relay coil or contact 1T 1RT miniature PCB
Note: transformers TR3 and TR4 are 18V models because the use of isolation transformer TR2 as causes loss of tension that make the output voltage of TR3 and TR4 is about 10V. If you feed the card 220 phone directly, you can use to TR3 and TR4 models with a secondary 9V.

Before continuing, I will give the numbers and functions of different son of the connecting cable, depending on their color:
(1) Transparent Wire 12V 50Hz pole 1
(2) Brown wire 12V 50Hz 2 pole
(3) Blue Wire 0V (common contacts)
(4) Grey Wire Ring Contact FT
(5) Contact Ringer Fil Blanc VOIP
(6) Wire Ring Violet Contact input
(7) Yellow Wire Ring Relay output
(8) Orange wire +12 V (for power relays)

Here is the schema of the cellar:

This card contains food, and several monostable that will define the operating times of the LEDs, the output and the bell. The monostable is conventionally made with NAND gates with Schmitt trigger (CD40106).

R3 and C3 define the length of ignition output when the tones have ceased.

R4 and C4 define the minimum duration of operation of the doorbell.

R9 and C5 determine the duration of light comes after the bell has stopped ringing.

R12 and C6 define the duration of FT warning light once the ringing has stopped.

C7 and R16 define the duration of light comes VOIP once the bell has stopped.

R21 and C8 are wired as an oscillator with the 6th of NAND gate CD40106. Via the transistor T6, they can make the lights flash rapidly rather than turning steadily. This eye-catching and clearly distinguishes these indicators among the other fixed lights of the environment (workshop).

The diodes D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, and D10 can perform logical operations OR without having to resort to additional integrated circuits. Crude but effective and reliable. Thus, through D4, D5 and D6, the contact will act on the bell output RL1, the relay ring, and the indicator bell.

Here are the component values:
TR1 = Transformer 5VA molded 220V / 12V
B1 = Bridge Rectifier
D1 = D2 = D3 = 1N4001
D4 = D5 = D6 = D7 = D8 = D9 = D10 = 1N4148
DL1 = blue Light Emitting Diode
DL2 = red LED
DL3 = Yellow LED
DL4 = green LED
T1 = T2 = 2N2222
T3 = T4 = T5 = BC548
T6 = 2N2904 (PNP)
IC1 = CD40106
REG1 = 7812
C1 = 1000uF 35V capacitor polarized chemical
C2 = Ceramic capacitor 100NF 250V
Capacitor C3 = 16V chemical polarized 330μf
Chemical polarized capacitor C4 = 16V 100μf
C5 = C6 = C7 = 16V Capacitor chemical polarized 470μf
C8 = Capacitor 6.8 uF 16V polarized chemical
F1 = Fuse 250V 2A
F2 = 250V Fuse 100mA
F3 = Fuse 250V 400mA
R1 = R6 = R10 = R14 = R18 = R20 = R21 = 10KOhms 1/4W
R2 = R7 = R8 = R13 = R17 = 100 Ohms 1/4W
R3 = R4 = 22KOhms 1/4W
R9 = R12 = R16 = 33KOhms 1/4W
R5 = 10KOhms 1/4W, said if you have pest problems with a link cable too long
R11 = R15 = R19 = R22 = 470 Ohms 1/4W

Here is the pattern of flashing the card denominations:

Nothing complicated, we use the very common CD4011 which includes four NAND gates in a DIL 14 case.

The period of the flicker is defined by R4 and C1. R1 is required to operate the assembly as the doors of the CD4011 are free of hysteresis. The LEDs are powered directly through the gates via a resistor 1Kohms.

Here are the component values:
R1 = R2 = R3 = 1Kohms 1/4W
22KOhms 1/4W R4 =
R5 = 1MOhm 1/4W
C1 = 220nF ceramic capacitor 250V
Chemical polarized capacitor C2 = 16V 220μf
Here is the wiring diagram of all the cards:

This diagram shows the scenario most complex, that is to say, a line installation and line FT VOIP, lightning, central automation and if you make all the cards.

This pattern includes the details of the card bell and cuts.

The card includes a switching relay which operates the coil 220, and one which the coil operates at 12V. You may need to customize this card according to the relay you have.

5. The offset films and locations of components

The circuit boards were made with the software summers CiDess.

You can download CiDess at the following address:

Here are the files corresponding to each CID card:
Here is the file containing the types of CIT particular components used by mounting: repeteur.cit (3.4 KB) .

Here is a file containing all the cards on an A4 page to allow their exposure in one go: touslestypons.cid (26.9 KB) .

Get all components before making the cards. You may have to change the layout of printed circuit boards, it is especially the case for transformers, fuse holders, knobs and terminals.

I recommend placing the integrated circuits on substrates.

The LEDs on the card cellar summers have placed on a separate card to be deported on the front.

With CiDess you can view and print directly offset films and detailed locations. Component values, in addition to their references have before you. However I still give below the previews of offset films and installations.

Artwork of the card cellar:

Artwork of the map lights cellar:

Artwork of the card capacity:

Artwork of the card wake:

Artwork of the card phones:

If you do not CiDess to create your boards, you can download the offset films in high resolution with the following links:
Board layout cellar:

Board layout blind cave:

Implantation of the card capacity:

The card uses a cut block of three switches "radios". Warning, it is by a three-position but three independent switches.

Board layout bell:

I used as terminals for the card wake a simple strip domino.

Implantation of the card phones:

You can choose to directly power the card phones 220. To do this, but not TR2 wire by the fuse F1 and S3 strap instead. The two terminals of the central terminal will be connected to 220V.

You will find on my site electronic item - useful information - printed circuit elec-info-ci.html guidance on the production of printed circuits.

You can also download the patterns of settlements in high resolution with the following links:

6. Testing and adjustments

After completing the circuit before connecting anything, first check:
  • if no welding or component has been overlooked
  • common sense and proper location of components
  • if no track is cut
  • if there is no short circuit between two adjacent tracks or pads caused by a little soldering, when in doubt, move the blade of a knife between the pads between which you suspect a short circuit
You can test the cards independently of each other.

Test card cellar:
  • feed it
  • DL4 LED should light up, check for +12 V at the regulator output
  • with a piece of wire whose one end is connected to the common contacts (3), you can test the proper operation of monostable touching the other end with one of the terminals 4, 5 or 6
  • even a brief contact between the common and a terminals 4, 5 or 6 triggers the relay RL1 for a few seconds and the flashing of one of the diodes DL1, DL2 and DL3 for a period longer
  • contact between 3 and 6 trigger in addition to setting common terminal 7 via the transistor T2
Test card phones:
  • do not put the operational amplifiers on the media
  • check the electrical isolation between the lines and food:
    • 1st connect the terminal of an ohmmeter (caliber mini 100kOhm) on a terminal "line FT"
    • with the other terminal, touch each successive line VoIP terminal, the terminals corresponding to the output of each relay, and terminals corresponding to the power
    • again by plugging the 1st terminal of the ohmmeter to the other terminal "line FT"
    • Do the same with the line VOIP
  • feed the card (either the map or cellar previously tested directly 220V depending on the solution you choose)
  • check for +5 V between ground and the output of each regulator
  • disconnect power, wait a minute
  • put amplifiers on the media
  • feed the card again
  • connect the FT line and VOIP line
  • You will be able to move on and make adjustments
Settings on the map phone:
  • have before you:
    • card phones, power lines and with the FT and connected over VOIP
    • a telephone connected to the FT line
    • a telephone connected to the VOIP line
  • potentiometer setting corresponding to the FT line (P1):
    • P1 turn to the far left
    • FT made ring your line (for example, calling your phone with the VOIP line) make sure that nobody picks up
    • P1 gently turn clockwise until the relay RL1 paste begins to train for a ring, locate the position of P1 (position we will call A)
    • hang up the phone used to call the
    • pick up and hang up several times every few seconds the phone line connected to FT, while continuing to slowly turn to the right P1
    • when the relay RL1 will begin to stick, stop turning P1 and note the position we call B
    • Now set the cursor of the potentiometer P1 in the middle of positions A and B
  • potentiometer setting corresponding to the VOIP line (P2):
    • P2 fully turn to the right
    • do ring your VOIP line (for example, calling your phone with the FT line) make sure that nobody picks up
    • P2 slowly turn left until the relay RL2 paste begins to train for a ring, locate the position of P2 (position we will call A)
    • hang up the phone used to call the
    • pick up and hang up several times every few seconds the phone line connected to VOIP, while continuing to slowly turn to the left P2
    • when the relay RL2 will begin to stick, stop turning P2 and note the position we call B
    • Now set the cursor of the potentiometer P2 in the middle of positions A and B
Before wiring all the cards in your home, you can do a general test by connecting all these cards:

You can test the card by connecting the bell 220 and using a push button.

7. Installation

I just put my card phone next to my ADSL master filter. I used to box as the cards cellar and large bell of breakout boxes:

These boxes are great diversions: waterproof, cover with screw closure, economic (1 to € 3 in Bricodépôt). For the LEDs on the front panel are aligned, do the welds mechanically assembled after the diodes, the card and the front panel:

To break the box, I made a small plastic box, using a router table to make grooves and a halogen lamp recovered in a laser printer to bend the plastic:

To cut the notches and cuts I used my milling machine, but it is quite feasible with a jigsaw and a file:

The caseback is secured to the wall after piercing a hole for the cable connection:

Then the card is attached to the bottom:

Finally the case is set up:

Do not forget to mark the cables and used to label your boxes, this will facilitate subsequent intervention. For my part I totally stuck on boxes or patterns of settlement with the wiring instructions.

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